How to Clean Your Mattress

Stellar Cleaning tips - How to clean your mattress

Cleaning your mattress might seem like an impossible job, but it isn’t that hard, and it is very important that you clean it. Today I’ll tell you how to clean your matteress leaving your bed clean and fresh everynight.

If your mattress is stain-free, cleaning it should be a quick process.

You might think that it is a chore that isn’t even necessary, but we will give you a few reasons based on studies that might change your opinion:

  • A bed contains 10,000 dust mites which produce more than two million droppings, which can aggravate allergies many people have.
  • Humans shed around 454g of dead skin over the course of a year, and with all the turning and tossing we do during our sleep, most of it is left on our beds. Not only on the sheets but infiltrating deep into our mattress.
  • We spend around a third of our lives sleeping, so giving your mattress a deep clean will help you have a fresh and hygienic sleeping environment.

You might keep your mattress in good condition already, but once every few months it is a good idea to give it a good deep clean. Don’t let your bed become a haven for dust and bacteria.

Our aim here is to give you 10 top tips to keep your mattress looking and smelling clean and fresh.


  • Top Tips on How to Clean Your Mattress

Before you start, you might want to check your mattress’s care guide to check the recommendations from the manufacturer. Then gather all you need to start the deep clean, strip your bed and let’s get started.

  1. List of cleaning supplies you will need:
  • Vacuum cleaner (with upholstery attachment if possible)
  • Mild laundry detergent or dish soap
  • Baking soda
  • Cloths or sponge
  • Cold and lukewarm water


  1. Remove all your bedding and put them on a hot wash. If you can, also tumble-dry at a high temperature. This is important because this will kill any bacteria that may be on your sheets. Check if you can wash your pillows and duvet as well.
  2. Once you’ve removed all your bedding, open your bedroom windows to ventilate your bedroom and air your mattress. This will help freshen up your mattress by allowing it to breathe and will start to eliminate any odours.
  3. Thoroughly vacuum your mattress using the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner, but make sure the attachment is clean. This will remove the dust, hair, and dead skin. We recommend using small circular motions over the entire mattress. Having a powerful vacuum is a great help.
  4. Check for stains on the mattress. The best way to remove mattress stains is to use a gentle laundry detergent or dish soap mixed with lukewarm water. Use a cloth or sponge to lift the stain as much as possible. Please remember that you shouldn’t use any harsh chemicals or get the mattress too wet as this can damage the integrity of the mattress. After removing all stains, you should let your mattress completely air dry before moving onto the next steps or putting your sheets back on.

Note: If you find any specific stubborn stains, scroll down for tips on how to tackle some of them.

  1. You should also check to see if your mattress is double or single-sided as this will determine if you can deep clean both sides or just the top. Rotate your mattress from head to toe if it’s one-sided. If it’s two-sided, flip it and make sure you vacuum both sides of the mattress.
  2. Deodorise with baking soda and vacuum again. When the mattress is completely clean and dry, sprinkle a layer of baking soda over your mattress. This will help to eliminate any odour that may still be there. For best results, the baking soda should be left for at least a few hours. When your mattress is smelling fresh, you need to vacuum the remaining baking soda.


Yes, here I go again with the baking soda! If you’ve read my previous blogs, you will know by now that I am a fan of baking soda and vinegar as cleaning options.

  1. Spray your mattress for freshness

Tip: If you prefer, you can mix a small amount of baking soda, water and your favourite essential oils in a spray bottle and lightly spray the mattress. Chamomile or lavender essential oils may be the best ones for a relaxing scent to help soothe you to sleep. However, if you don’t want a DIY mix, you can use a mattress or room spray.

  1. You also might want to clean the bed frame. When you clean your mattress, it’s also a good idea to clean your bed frame or divan base. Dust and vacuum your bed frame or divan to get rid of hairs and dust.
  2. Finally, it’s time to put the clean bedding and sheets back on your bed for a super fresh feel!
  3. And 11… oh wait! What?! 11th tip? You thought there were only 10 Top Tips…and you’re right but the 11th Top Tip is the best one!
    You can now lay down on your bed (after a shower of course) and have a good restful and peaceful night’s sleep!


Here are a few easy tips on how to tackle some common stubborn stains

How to remove sweat stains from mattress

For bodily fluids and sweat stains, try using diluted washing-up liquid in water.

Mix light laundry detergent or dish soap and lukewarm water together.

Dab the mixture onto the stain with a cloth or sponge until it fades.


How to remove urine stains from mattress

If you have young children, this can be of help to you.

Again, mix gentle laundry detergent or wash-up liquid and lukewarm water.

We recommend using wet paper towels to press into the stain and replacing the paper towel every few minutes for hygiene. But you can use a cloth or sponge to do this.

Keep dabbing at the stain until it’s gone. As this is a stronger stain, it will take longer to lift.


How to remove blood stains from mattress

This might be one of the hardest stains to remove and it might take around half an hour to tackle it unfortunately. However, in our opinion this is the most effective method to use: first dab at the stain with a little cold water. Be careful not to soak the mattress and remember not to rub the stain as this will probably spread the stain further.  mix dish soap or gentle laundry detergent with cold water and press into the affected area with a cloth or sponge. Keep repeating as many times as necessary until the stain lifts. This advice is surprisingly effective, especially if the stain is recent, but if not, once again, try adding a little baking soda to the water. What can I say, baking soda is one of the products I use the most. Try it out, apply this to the stain and leave it for about 30 minutes. Use clean water to dab it again and let it dry completely. Sometimes it can happen that the stain is still there after the mattress has dried, so our advice is to try following the steps below for removing urine.


How to remove drink stains from mattress

Drink stains such as coffee or tea can be removed with the baking soda and cold water mix already mentioned above.


Sweet dreams!