Disinfect your House Safely for You and Your Pets

disinfect your house safely for you and your pets

As covid-19 and its variants seem to have come to stay for a while, we need to make sure our homes are clean and disinfected appropriately and, most of all done safely for us and our pets. Here’s how to disinfect your house safely for you and your pets.

So, it is important to disinfect your house safely for you and your pets. Remember, some ingredients in the products we use can be dangerous for cats, dogs, and other pets we may have. They rely on us to keep them safe.


Ingredients to avoid

The ingredients that make disinfectants effective make them toxic for our beloved pets.

  • Anything that contains alcohol, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, chemical compounds that contain the word “phenol” are just some examples you should make sure the products you are using do not contain.
  • However, some products like bleach, if diluted with water will make it weaker and less harmful to your pet.


Our advice

  • Our advice is to only use pet-safe cleaning products which won’t be toxic to them, and there are a wide range of them in the market, so will not be hard to find.
  • From hard floor cleaner, carpet shampoo to stain removers and laundry detergent, there are plenty of pet-safe cleaning products that you can buy.
  • These have fewer chemicals in them so they’re less likely to harm your pet.
  • Always read and follow instructions of use carefully.


A natural effective choice

There are also natural cleaning products you disinfect your house safely for you and your pets which won’t cause any harm or be as damaging to the environment.

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon juice

See more on how to use these natural items in our blog post ‘How to remove limescale


Keep your pets safe and healthy

  • While cleaning and until all flooring is dry, keep your pets out of the rooms you are cleaning, contact with their paws or skin are harmful, can burn them.
  • Open some windows.
  • Do not leave disinfectants unattended, always make sure caps are screwed on tightly to avoid accidental ingestion and store them out of reach just like you would do with children.
  • Do not leave your mop bucket with water and disinfectant in it, always empty it and rinse with water.
  • To be on the safe side, always close the toilet’s lid just in case you have a cheeky pet who likes to drink out of the toilet bowl and, you have just left some bleach in it.

You know how sometimes they are like cheeky little monkeys!



Pets are curious by nature so are likely to explore anything unusual they find lying around or sometimes even ‘steal’ something that was left on the sofa or the bed.


Dogs explore things with their mouths and chewing is soothing and relaxing for them, so they’re at risk from any bottles or dish washer tablets for example, they might find.

Cats sometimes drink from toilets and sinks, which can be dangerous specially if we have left bleach or any other toxic product in them.

Cats are known to take naps inside washing machines or tumble driers so, please always check before you switch them on.